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Confessions of an exhausted mum: 'i am so tired i ...'

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By info4 - July 23, 2018

It's no secret – us mums are tired. Hell, many of us haven't slept longer than 4 hours for months – even years – on end. We are living in a sleepless haze of child brain, a circumstance that does not cease once you have your baby.
It begins in early pregnancy and ends around the time you shift them off to school. 

My poor partner Ben. So regularly i pay attention him speaking to me (i see him speakme to me) –  and in reality, we are having what would appear to any outsider as a conversation. And yet i discover myself watching him blankly, sometimes for minutes on end, before realising I have no bloody concept what he has just said.
And there we are, him looking to me in anticipation of some kind of response.And i'm just status there like a pc when you open up too many pages and the whole lot turns to shit.

No, I don't know what day it is.

No, I don't know which of my identical twins I just fed.

No, i possibly couldn't spell my name right now.

However i am here and i am functioning. Simply.

The other day I found myself in the shower with my underclothes on. I was legit standing there, enjoying the first shower I had had in three days, when I looked down and thought to myself, "roperly, what the sh*t befell right here?"

Convinced I was surely not the only one experiencing such strange occurrences as a result of sleep deprivation, I took to the Australian Mothers of Multiples Facebook page in a quest to prove to myself that sh*t could be weirder ... and the responses I got are proof of this.

And so began the "i'm so worn-out i …" conversation.

Right here are simply a number of the responses i were given:

  • "i am so worn-out i pumped without attaching the bottles."

  • "I'm so tired I picked up the kids from day-care and left one behind. My husband went back and picked him up."

  • "I'm so tired I had a tea bag in one hand, a red snake in the other. I put the kettle on and put the tea bag in my mouth. It was a few good chews before I registered I got it mixed up."
  • "I'm so tired I bought a much needed coffee and drove off with it on the roof – I only realised when I saw it flying off in my rear vision mirror."

  • "I'm so tired I ran around the house telling my friend I was going to be late because I couldn't find my phone only to realise I was talking to her on it!"

  • "I'm so tired I fell asleep on the toilet and woke up when I hit my head on the wall."

  • "I'm so tired I sprayed hairspray in my arm pit thinking it was deodorant… that stuff is sticky!"

  • "I'm so tired I fell asleep in the dentist chair."

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