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10 Simple Ways To Soothe Your Crying Baby

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By info4 - July 25, 2018

Image : Shutterstock

Inside the first 12 months of your child’s life, his primary way of communicating with you may be through crying. In the beginning, it will likely be hard to apprehend why your toddler is crying. Is it a cry due to the fact he's hungry? Sleepy? Cold? Grimy? Uneasy?

After the first couple of weeks of birth, you will be able to pick up the cues on what your baby’s cry means. Attending to your baby’s cry will only comfort him and he will know that he can turn to you for any of his needs.

Why Does Your Baby Cry?

Here are some of the main reasons for newborn baby crying at night:

2. Sleepy:

Another common reason your baby cries is to tell you he is sleepy. Unlike adults, babies can’t put themselves to sleep and therefore need you to put them to sleep.
  • Look out for yawns, rubbing eyes, rubbing ears and lack of interest in playing.
  • Your baby may also show you a few signs of sleepiness before crying.

1. Hunger:

One of the main reasons your baby cries is to express hunger.
  • Look out for licking lips, sucking hand or thumb and being fussy.
  • Your baby may show you a couple of the below mentioned signs of hunger before crying.

4. Tummy Ache:

Most babies experience a tummy ache due to colic pain or gas during the first few weeks of life. In some cases, this may easily extend till the fifth month.
Colic Pain:
Colic pain is almost mysterious in its behavior and can leave your baby sleepless and crying for long hours especially at night or late evening.
  • If your baby suffers from colic pain, discuss it with your pediatrician. Your pediatrician may recommend oral drops to reduce the pain for your baby.
  • You can also regularly massage your baby’s tummy with a light hand in circular clockwise motions to ease the pain.

6. Too Cold Or Hot:

The general rule of the thumb would be to cover your baby in just one extra layer than yourself to keep them warm and comfortable.
  • If you are switching on the air conditioner, keep the temperature at 25°C to 26°C.
  • You may be swaddling your newborn baby. Ensure you don’t make him too warm with too much extra covering.
  • Though babies don’t tend to cry when it gets too hot for them, ensure your baby is not too hot or does not break out into a sweat.
  • If the weather is cold where you are staying, your baby may protest by crying during a diaper change or while changing clothes too. Keep the room warm and also try and distract your baby with toys during diaper changes.
  • In summer months, keep the clothing light and cover him with a thin blanket while sleeping. Ensure you use a blanket for baby only while you are awake and can supervise. Do not use a blanket at night, as it could lead to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) due to choking or smothering.
  • If your baby does not like a cold wipe while changing his diaper, you could consider buying a wipe warmer available in the market.

3. Dirty Diaper:

Some babies don’t enjoy rolling in their poop and would therefore throw a tantrum crying when they want to be cleaned.
  • In case your baby has not pooped, but the diaper feels heavy with pee it’s time for a change anyway.
  • Check if your baby needs to be changed into a fresh diaper.

5. Unable To Burp:

Babies tend to swallow air when they breastfeed or bottle feed and if they don’t burp it out, they tend to feel uncomfortable.
  • Hold your baby upright and rub his back after a feed to help burp.
  • It is mandatory that your baby burp, as it will ease any discomfort and should get him to stop crying. It will also prevent baby from spitting up milk.
  • You can also try to make your baby sit and rub his back to help him burp.

7. Needs To Be Held:

Your baby will constantly demand a lot of hugging, cuddling and physical touch and all you need to do as a parent is give in to these demands.
  • Your baby will be comforted with your touch, voice and heartbeat.
  • There is no such thing as spoiling your baby by picking him up the moment he starts crying. He is a baby after all. So go on and give your baby those infinite hugs and kisses.
  • Hold your baby close to your heart, sway with him and sing to him, all these will only console your crying baby.

8. Teething:

Some babies experience a lot of pain around the time the first tooth has to sprout.
  • If your baby has started solids, you can also give your baby little cold yoghurt.
  • Your baby may cry inconsolably while going through this phase that can occur anywhere from 4 months to 1 year of age.
  • If the teething pain persists, you can check with your pediatrician for a pain relief gel to numb the gums.
  • Also look out for chewing on all toys, drooling, gum swelling, refusing food and loose motions.
  • Check for teething by placing your hand on your baby’s gums. If it feels extremely hard, you know your baby’s first tooth is about to pop out soon.
  • Provide your baby with a teething ring to chew on, which may relieve him of some pain.

9. Needs A Change Of Activity:

Babies are constantly being exposed to new things in their life – new sounds, lights, people, objects etc. Over or under exposure can cause your baby to cry.
  • While this can be taxing on you as a new parent, try and take your baby out for regular walks or activities with other babies.
  • Sometimes your baby may have had too much and all he needs is some quiet time.
  • A change of atmosphere will do you good too.
  • On the other hand, an exploring baby may constantly want to be on the move, look at new things and explore new objects.
  • Take your baby to a quiet room, with low lighting and soft music and help your baby calm down.

10. Feeling Unwell:

  • Your baby may cry even if he is generally bored or for no real reason
  • Check the diaper area for rashes.
  • Check his body temperature with a thermometer.
  • If your baby still seems to be crying, don’t be too hard on yourself, sometimes it is very difficult to really tell why your baby is crying.
  • Touch his ears to see if it bothers him, could be a sign of an ear infection.
  • This cry may sound a little different than the other cries, so go with your motherly instincts and call your pediatrician if you feel the need to.
  • Just be there to comfort your baby and give him the warmth he needs.

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